For those of you who don't know, our Anna-Grace began her show career at the ripe age of two and a half this past summer. Her clothes were too big, her helmet came down over her ears and pony was shaggy. But that didn't stop her from collecting that 3rd place out of 3 riders! Her delights was wonderful.................... Then in November, we took her and her pony, Bugsy Malone, to the Virginia Horse Center to compete in the SWVHJA Annual Finals. We body clipped her pony, her clothes fit, we got a new helment and gloves, and she LOOKED the part. Above you see pictures of how she blossomed into a wonderful child rider. Then it came time for the show. The most amazing part of all was when she was called out first out of the nine other riders in the ring. Bernie says he will be poor for life, but I say I can't wait for our child to live her dream :)