Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Sleeping in our OWN bed :)

For a mother, one of the best feelings is the one where you are able to wrap up close to your child. Whether it's snuggling on the couch watching "Spirit; Stallion of the Cimarron" as we did last night, or falling asleep with her blonde locks wrapped around my shoulder... I cherish all of these moment.
However, several months ago AGB decided that she should inhabit my bed indefinately. Originally I was completely agreeable to this arrangement (as she NEVER slept with me as a baby), however, over time it has become quite an issue. At some point along the way I have decided that mommy needed her own space back.
Don't get me wrong, I L-O-V-E snuggling with my girl... she's the best there is, but what was brought to my attention about our c0-sleeping really opened my eyes. It turns out that AGB started sleeping with me not because SHE needed to, but because she thought I needed her to. It was her own way of making sure I was safe.... God love that child, she is an angel on Earth.
My solution:
We redecorated AGB's room, putting beautiful flowers on the walls, a new king size bed, new "cloud" valances, and a great comforter from PBK... and we read a minimum of two books per night in the bed. The TV is now turned off, and it's a lot of hugs and kisses and I love you's every night (as there has always been). Below you can see a small highlight of her room!

AND... the proof is in the pudding.... AGB has slept in her own bed for three nights in a row.... TA-DA!!!!

1 comment:

Beeps said...

It's amazing how intuitive kids can be... and how protective of their parents!

PS: What a pretty room!