Saturday, March 5, 2011

In a blink of an eye....

Today I have been thinking a lot about time... how time doesn't exist in anything and how time exist in everything. How has it moved so quickly, without me even realizing that it is moving. I don't "feel" like I have aged, I don't "feel" like time has passed... but the pictures below are the evidence that time is moving.

AGB's 2nd Birthday Party

The summer of she was 2...

Just turned 3.....

The summer she was 3....

And she's 4....
We live in years.... the years of our lives when we are young seem to crawl... but then we become adults and have children. We begin to live in years of their growth and their mildstones.... We live for learning to crawl, then walk and talk, then read and write, then good grades and playing sports, then graduations and pursuing happiness. I know, I know.. she's four.... but I will blink my eyes and she will have grown up right in front of me. My baby has now lost her baby face and knows how to write her name... and mine.
Bittersweet... blinking your eyes.

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