Wednesday, January 12, 2011

These are a few of my favorite things....

Children make you want to start life over. ~ Muhammad Ali

There is nothing better for the inside of a man than the outside of the horse. ~ Ronald Reagan

My little dog - a heartbeat at my feet. ~ Edith Wharton

I'm creative!
Don't expect me to be neat too!

Make time to stop and smell the roses.... or any flower for that matter.

The way to a man's heart is through his stomach... Hm... this is quite the idea to ponder.



Beeps said...

Loved the post! Are the pictures of the dog and horse actually your pets?

Beth said...

They are!! Jessie is the dog and the horse is my stallion, Killian. They make my days bright when I'm not feeling so bright! I loved the pictures of the flowers on your blog and the pillow you made for Erin :)

PJH said...

I'm so glad you left a comment on my blog because now I know you have one, too! I love it!