ABG at her first Dance class this summer
As a mother many times I have wondered how it is possible to fit one more item onto the calendar. How can I possibly do everything I want to in the day? Especially with an extremely active 4 year old. I am for all
intensive purposes career driven, but that strong focus has taken me away so many times from enjoying the extracurricular activities I know AGB so dearly enjoys.

This summer AGB participated in dance for the first time. She was so passionately excited. Each day she went to dance, participating in every activity that Mrs. Kim set in front of her. On the day of the recital I came to the studio, and AGB affectionately did.... NOTHING she was suppose to. I was devastated to say the least. It was the one day that I had forced myself to pull away to be there and disappointed that the day I was there to watch, I saw very little.
Today I had an opportunity to not only witness AGB in full swing of a dance class, but I also participated. Through her pre-school we received an invitation to come to the mall for a FREE children ZumbAtomic class.. My response, "YES, LET'S!"
Recently AGB has displayed a passion for being shy. Something that is very unusual as we can all agree
to! My initial response to taking her to ZumbAtomic was that I would sit quietly and watch on the side lines, as usual with my cell phone in my hand. Little did I know, AGB would employ me to be her partner in crime ... to dance and swing and giggle because she was just too shy to go it alone. I was forced to let loose, to put the cell phone down (I know, I know, there is video and pictures, but would you expect anything less?) and DANCE. Maybe I didn't swing my hips as energtically as I could have, maybe I didn't jump as high as I am able, but I enjoyed an hour of just gazing at a child who truly makes me joyful. It took her a while to get warmed up, but by the end I couldn't get her to stop. I hope you all enjoy the pictures and short video I was able to capture. And my deepest prayer is that AGB continues to ALWAYS DANCE whenever given the choice.

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