Thursday, January 13, 2011

It's you ATTITUDE about you APTITUDE that determines your ALTITUDE!!!

Yesterday I began watching an amazing video from a George Morris clinic that was recently held by the USEF. George Morris is an equestrian icon, and I couldn't pass up the opportunity to watch a live stream and LEARN fromt he best. The first video I viewed was one of the lectures, and a dressage trainer/rider, Jane Savoie, was presenting a topic that hit me straight in the face about what my life is and what it can become.

Anna Grace on her way to a tremendous riding career!

I know you are saying... "Beth... you were watching a video about horses?!", but the words Savoie spoke related directly to my life. Here I am world.. in the past year and a half these changes have engulfed me: 1) I left a very high paying, head coach job to come home to a lower paying, assistant coach job (all for good reason) 2) I moved in with my parents because I left that very high paying job and a house that we own that we can't sell 3) My little baby girl started pre-school and has now become a big girl 4) My husband and I separated and are on the road to divorce 5) Did I mention that I am still living with my parents with a 4 year old teenage and one of my dogs. At 31 years old I have found that theses changes in my life seem so profound sometimes that I just can't see an end in sight.
And then I watched this video. Yes, the lecture was about how as riders we can reach a higher altitude by believing in ourselves.... BUT those words threw an arrow straight to my soul. You see, all of these changes that have come upon me in the last year shouldn't control where I go and who I become. NO.. I don't want to end up a single mother living with my parents forever!!!! But, right now it's the right thing for me and for AGB. The truth of the matter is, if I continue to have a bright outlook (attitude) about where our lives (mine and AGB's) will go (altitude) we will succeed (aptitude). Ta-DA!!! I wouldn't live with my parents forever (although I do recognize that it is a blessing right now), I will have love again, I will enjoy every moment of AGB growing up, I will have a great life.

I killed three birds with one stone yesterday... I watched a video that will help me as a coach, a rider and changed how I feel about my life... My life will be great... my life will be great.... WAIT A MINUTE... my life is great :) Now that's the right attitude!



Beeps said...

I love your enthusiasm! With all those big life changes, I can only imagine that you must get stressed sometimes, but it sounds like you're doing a great job keeping focused on the future. AGB is one lucky lady :)

PS: I can't believe that someone so small can ride a horse all by herself!!!

The Lane's said...

LOVE IT and especially love you and AGB.