Friday, January 21, 2011

How do I turn this thing on....

Somebody help me.....

In an age where technology has literally become a part of our right hand, I can't help but feel so left behind!! Starting my blog back up has really opened my eyes to just how far behind I truly am.

I have had the glorious opportunity to view some amazing and truly inspiring blogs... it all started several years ago with my sister Michelle's blog Our Roads Traveled.. and now I am viewing incredible creations such as Enjoying the Small Things and Make It Beautiful. WOW!! As you may notice, I don't have theses blogs highlighted for you to click and view because I DON'T KNOW HOW!!!!

Sometimes I feel like my computer looks at me like this:

So.... I am begging... somebody please help me!!

I began this blog as a path for self discovery. It the meantime what I have realized is that discovering who I truly am is only half the accomplishment. If I could figure out how to "turn this thing on" I could make so much more of an impact.

I don't really know how many people view my blog. What I would like to accomplish is that my blog is a place where people can visit to be inspired So even if only one person reads my blog.. I want them to walk away feeling as empowered and emotional moved as I do when I read the blogs of these incredible people I have come to know along the way. Come to know because they truly understand the impact of how a simple thing such as a blog can turn your life around.



Beeps said...

I read your blog! If you want to link to things... copy/paste the URL (http:...), then while you're writing your blog use the mouse to highlight the part that you want to "link." Click on the blue, underlined word "LINK," a new box will open up, paste the URL in the space next to "web address," and then click 'ok.' Done!

Beth said...

You are fab!!! I need a crash course in how to add buttons and such. Thank you so much for just this little bit of help :)