Thursday, January 6, 2011

Is it true? Is Beth blogging?

Wow, how time flies... I have made a New Year's resolution to be more attentive to my blog. I know, I know! You are saying, some resolution that is. We all know that one post to my blog each year is the maximum.

But on the contrary I wonder if this could be my source. My outlet if you will. Life has thrown me curve balls and obstacles that I never thought I would face. Now is the time in my live when I have to decide to really live. Each day. Because I have opened my eyes and realized that my life is going by so fast.

2010 is over. Thankfully. AGB participated in another horse show.. where yet again she was the star, or at least I believe she was. My job continued to get better (as some of you know that is a great thing), my oldest sister had a baby, Sara. I affectionately try to call her Sara Elizabeth, but get yelled at :), and Anna Grace turned 4... YES 4 years old! One of the most unbelievable events that happened in 2010, among a few others.

I also spent my entire summer at home with AGB... something I have never had the opportunity to do before. It was a complete blast. We swam, camped, played, napped, and annoyed Goddy on a daily basis. I am so thankful to have a job now where I can spend my summer with my child.

So, I am challenging you all as well. Keep asking me when my next post will occur. So many changes are happening in my life. If you don't hear from me every day.. you may miss something huge that has happened in my life.


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